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About Parent Effectiveness Training

Are you tired of nagging, yelling and fighting with your children? Are you tired of having to break up fights between siblings? Wishing you had more co-operation? Or that you had some understanding as to how you can communicate with your child?

Do you also wish to be a parent whom can support a child through a problem without "fixing" it for them? Whether you are a parent of a preschooler or a teen, parenting can be pretty damn hard!


Parent Effectiveness Training is a tried and tested international program by Dr Thomas Gordon, award-winning psychologist and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. A program for parents of children of all ages, proven to raise compassionate and responsible children, we believe that it is especially suitable for parents of children aged 3 years old and above.

How You and Your Children Will Benefit


  • Your children will feel free to discuss their problems and concerns with you instead of withdrawing.

  • They will learn self-discipline, self-control and an inner sense of personal responsibility.

  • You will learn how to work with each other instead of against each other.

  • You’ll experience fewer angry outbursts and more problem-solving.

  • Everyone can participate in rule-setting so all will feel motivated to comply with the rules.

  • Fewer power struggles–less tension, less resentment, more fun, more peace, more love.

What You Will Learn


  • How to talk to your children so that they will listen to you.

  • How to listen to your children so they feel genuinely understood.

  • How to resolve conflicts and problems in your family so that no one loses and problems stay solved.

  • A method for troubleshooting family problems and knowing which skills to use to solve them.



One scholarship position is available. We would like to award this scholarship to a single parent, a parent from an ethnic minority background, and/or a parent who is having financial difficulties affording our course fees. To apply, please write to us at and provide us with more information for our consideration. 

This is the full 24 hour official P.E.T program which is run internationally and endorsed by Gordon Training International.  This course is limited to 12 parents

Interested In Future Runs?

Our next P.E.T. will be happening in early 2021.



Please contact us at if you would like to find out more and/or fill out this form to indicate your interest for future sessions.


"I learnt the skills to understand myself and my children, what triggers us and how to communicate and react with respect and love. The most important thing is the realisation that nobody wants to be nasty, it's just a need not met. This realisation freed me from getting trapped in the cycle of guilt, anger and shame; leaving me more space to be fully present with the person I am being with at any moment. " - Hwee Mei - Mother or 2.

"So PET for me (and my wife), along with the whole respectful and mindful parenting philosophy, is really our way of breaking long-held inter-generational reactive behaviour patterns. It has given us the mindful skills (and the vocabulary) to relate with, and talk to our kids, that respectfully allow them to be authentically themselves. The great thing about it is that as we continue to journey and allow our children to be authentically themselves, we became authentic as parents as well, ever-sharpening our own ideas of how we want to be parents." - Eric

''Steph explained the content clearly and I really appreciated all of her personal examples - it helped me conceptualize what we were learning and also made me realize using PET is an ongoing process for any family rather than an end result''

Rajitha - Mother of 3 year old



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